Sales Canvasser
Join Our Dynamic Team! Take the leap and embark on a rewarding journey with us. Apply now and let's shape a brighter future together!
Saat ini kami sedang membangun Insurtech #1 di Asia Tenggara yang membantu orang-orang untuk mendapatkan asuransi dengan cara yang paling efisien. Oleh karena itu, kami membutuhkan kandidat dengan potensi besar seperti Anda untuk bergabung dengan organisasi kami sebagai Sales Canvasser / Associate Relationship Manager untuk membangun jaringan yang kuat dan memasarkan produk kami.
- Menawarkan asuransi kesehatan secara langsung kepada calon pelanggan.
- Mengidentifikasi kebutuhan calon pelanggan yang sesuai, lalu mereferensikan mereka kepada Internal team (Relationship Manager) untuk proses lebih lebih lanjut (closing).
- Melakukan kunjungan secara rutin ke rumah sakit, fasilitas layanan kesehatan, dan lokasi lainnya untuk mendapatkan calon pelanggan.
- Mencari dan merekrut mitra / partner, serta membangun bisnis kemitraan yang kuat untuk mendukung pertumbuhan bisnis asuransi kesehatan.
- Membuat laporan terkait kegiatan harian.
- Memiliki pendidikan minimal D3 dari semua jurusan.
- Memiliki SIM A/C serta kendaraan pribadi.
- Memiliki pengalaman 1-3 tahun sebagai medical representative / sales farmasi, asuransi kesehatan, alat kesehatan atau bidang terkait lainnya.
- Memahami produk Asuransi Kesehatan.
- Memiliki penampilan dan komunikasi yang baik.
About FUSE
Fuse is a breakthrough company in the insurance industry. We provide one app for various insurance product types from numerous well-known and trusted insurance companies. We have expanded our business not only in Indonesia but also China and Vietnam, and are planning on an even bigger expansion to grab markets from other Southeast Asia countries.
Our vision is to deploy the latest cutting-edge technology that enables everyone to buy, claim, or sell all kinds of insurances easily and instantly.
Our mission is to be an insurance technology/platform partner that allows all online/offline channel partners to sell multiple insurance products from multiple insurance companies online in real-time.
Fuse is committed not only to make insurance easily available for everyone but also to spread awareness about the importance of having financial plans and protection through insurance.
More about FUSE
- Locations
- Jakarta
About FUSE
FUSE is an insurtech platform that connects various insurance products from many insurance companies with multiple distribution means, channels, or partners. We deploy the latest cutting edge technology to make insurance easy and affordable for anyone. Our platform support primarily 3 business models, namely Business-To-Agents/Brokers (B2A), Business-To-Customers (B2C), as well as Micro Insurance (B2B2C).
Our FUSE Pro App is tailor-made for B2A business. This App enables anyone to become an independent insurance consultant to act like an expert; to instantly curate the most suitable and best insurance products for their customers. Our B2B2C model support digital small ticket size insurance products, making insurance affordable for everyone.
FUSE is trusted by channel partners such as Tokopedia, Grab, 30+ insurance companies, along with 100,000+ registered partners. FUSE currently generates more than 2.5 million insurance policies each month.
We have more than 400 teammates, with 24 branches, across 4 countries, we strive to be the #1 insurtech platform in SEA and make insurance available for everyone in the region.
Sales Canvasser
Join Our Dynamic Team! Take the leap and embark on a rewarding journey with us. Apply now and let's shape a brighter future together!
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